After a few more comments we will continue with some more questions to Ashtar.................................................................. ........................................................................
In possession of just the beginning of these general theories. I addressed further questions to Ashtar on this subject.
Question: "From your statement that your are etheric, am I to presume that you have evolved beyond the stage of a physical and astral body?"
Ashtar: "Correct. I do not possess a physical casing of the dense type such as yours. I am definitely etheric, as are all people on other planets in this solar system. However, this does not mean that we are invisible to each other as we are to you under normal circumstances. We see each other and live much as you do, but we do not have this dense physical casing which you possess. The advantages, benefits and comforts of this living are enormous, and the irritaions of the fleshly envelope are most uncomfortble. Unless we choose to convert the vibrational frequency of our bodies to one which is visible to your optics, we ramain invisible to your people. Highly evolved people, with a good `psychic eye' as you call it, can sometimes see us in vaporous form, although we may be invisible to other earthlings in the same location. When your clairvoyants travel to our civilizations on other planets, they see and are able to interpret our lives because they are not using their physical eyes but their astral or psychic sight, to which we are visible just as though we were physical."
Q: "When you become visible to our eyes does the person who sees you know that you are a `converted etheric'?
A: "Not as a rule. The conversion can be made so completely that a physical person encountering us thinks that we, are physical."
Q: "What of those who claim to have been up in your craft?"
A: "In our contacts with earthlings we have to be careful not to go beyond their understanding. In these instances, the ships and all entities within them are converted to a vibrational level at which they have the substance of physical things as known to you. Whether the experience was physical or astral is not known to some people who had the experience."
JW Well now that put a little different light on the subject.
Part 5.
Remember: To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was YOU.
John Winston.
Original file name: 95.04.03 Ashtar The Man 5
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